
Course Information

Computer Solutions (COM104 (UG07))

Term: Spring 2009 (UNDG)


Bradley G Newitt
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Mon-Wed-Fri, 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM (2/5/2009 - 5/22/2009) Location: MAIN (Science Center 208 - Classroom Lecture)


Students will enhance their abilities to manage, analyze and present information by using modern computer technologies. Emphasis will be put on problem definition, structured solution of subordinate problems and identification of appropriate problem-solving methodologies. Laboratory work will use three principal types of computer applications: databases for management of information, spreadsheets and other programs for information analysis, and word processing or desktop publishing for effective information presentation. Other topics include use of the Internet as an integral part of the course, the societal effects of information technologies, the Windows environment and an introduction to programming. This course satisfies the Universitys general education requirement in Computer Science.