All USF Students are issued a USF Network and email account. Please check your USF email accounts regularly for USF related communication. Professors will use USF email for course-related communication. If you don't know your login information, please contact your program director.
If you are on campus--
You can go to any on campus computer and type in your login name and password.
Ο Your initial password will be your ID number (lower right corner, on the back of your USF ID).
Ο It will ask you to reset your password. Your new password has no formal requirements.
Ο Your password will expire in approximately one year.
Ο Ctrl, Alt, Del keys will take you to the menu to change your password.
If you are off campus--
Click on CAMPUS EMAIL on our USF Website (
Enter your Login Name and Password
Ο It will ask you to reset your password. Your new password has no formal requirements.
Ο Your password will expire in approximately one year.
Ο Your email will be your