New Suicide and Crisis Prevention Hotline
Beginning July 16, everyone in the United States is now able to call or text 988 to connect with the National Suicide and Prevention Lifeline. The new number – similar to 911 – is operated through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network of over 200 locally run crisis centers located across the country. Members are encouraged to publicize on campus the availability of this mental health resource on a regular basis.
Contact the Avera Student Assistance Program (ASAP)
New Partnership offers free and confidential virtual and off-campus counseling services to all undergraduate and graduate students.
Scheduled sessions available M-F, 8-5 with some extended evening hours.
Contact USF Counseling Services
For Students:
On-campus and In-person scheduled sessions M-F, 8-5.
Office in the McDonald Center near mailroom
Call directly to schedule: 605-322.4069
5015 S. Crossing Place
Suite #130
Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Michelle DeHoogh-Kliewer
University Counselor
Call: 605-331-6619
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*** If there is an urgent or crisis situation, call 911. *** These situations may include, but are not limited to: • A risk of suicide • A threat of harm to others • Severely disorganized, psychotic or out of control behavior • Trauma such as sexual assault • Severe sickness due to drug or alcohol overdose
On Campus Resources • Academic Success Center: (605) 331-6740 • Campus Security: (605) 321-6400, (605) 331-6591 • Counseling Services: (605) 331-6619 • Student Life: (605) 331-6620 • On-call Resident Director (605) 681-0229 Other Resources: • 911 - Law enforcement and ambulatory care • Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center Behavioral Health Services: (605) 322-4065 or (800) 691-4336 • 211 HelpLine Center: (605) 339-4357 • Suicide HotLine: 988 • In cases of domestic violence, contact the Children’s Inn: (605) 338-4880 or (888) 378-7398 • Sanford Emergency Room: (605) 333-6688 • Avera McKennan Emergency Room: (605) 322-2000 • In cases of sexual assault, contact the Compass Center: (605) 339-0116 or (877) In CRISIS (24-hour crisis line) • Poison Control Center: (800) 222-1222
USF benefit-eligible employees: Refer to USF health insurance for coverage on counseling/mental health assistance