The motor vehicle registration and parking program at the University of Sioux Falls is designed to provide parking areas for faculty, staff, students and visitors with the following criteria:
Employees and students must register all motor vehicles intended to be parked on campus, and parking permits must be displayed at all times per the directions on the permit. There is no parking fee for employees or students to park on campus; however, replacement permits cost $25 per permit. Employees' and students' vehicles parked in areas not designated for them to park may be ticketed and, in some cases, towed at the owners' expense.
Visit MyUSF and search "parking" to find the links to manage your vehicles and view/request parking permits.
Visitors are welcome to park on campus free of charge. To receive a guest parking permit, contact the office or department you are visiting and request a guest parking permit. The University apologizes for ticketing guests visiting our campus and encourages you to bring the ticket to the department you visited or the Campus Safety and Security Office located in Mears Library off of 22nd St or call 605.321.6400.
Vehicles should be parked in University parking lots marked with signs indicating colors (purple or silver) corresponding to the color of the permit they are assigned. Vehicles not parked in the appropriate parking lots and spaces, not registered or properly displaying current parking permits, as explained on the back of the permits, or violating parking policies in any way may be ticketed or towed at the owners' expense.
Undergraduate and graduate students must register their vehicles each academic year. A Vehicle Registration Form must be completely filled out and submitted to receive a parking permit.
Graduate Assistants must register their vehicles each academic year. A Vehicle Registration Form must be completely filled out and submitted to receive a parking permit.
Full-time employees who wish to park on campus must register their vehicles during the start of their employment with the University. A Vehicle Registration Form must be completely filled out and submitted to receive a parking permit. Employees must turn their parking permit into Human Resources at the end of their full-time employment at the University. All vehicles not registered or displaying current parking permits may be ticketed or towed at the owners' expense. Full-time employee parking permits will NOT display a date since the permits can be used each year for as long as the employees are employed full-time with the University. Failure to display current parking permits or displaying permits from past years may result in parking fines.
Part-time employees or contract workers (i.e., Aramark) who wish to park on campus must register their vehicles each academic year. A Vehicle Registration Form must be completely filled out and submitted to receive parking permits. All vehicles not registered or displaying current parking permits may be ticketed or towed at the owners' expense.
All vehicles not parking in the appropriate parking lots or spaces, not registered or properly displaying current parking permits, as explained on the back of the permits, or violating parking policies in any way may be ticketed or towed at the owners' expense. Parking tickets will be delivered by email or paper notification on vehicle. Parking violations vary between $25 and $100, depending on the violation. Failure to pay parking tickets may result in additional charges. Misuse of visitor parking permits or special students or guest parking permits by University employees may also result in tickets or other fines.
Appeal of tickets may be done by following the directions on the email or ticket. Appeal of tickets is welcome; however, frivolous parking appeals will be dismissed by the University. Appeal of tickets for vehicles parked in handicap spaces, fire lanes or specifically reserved spaces will not be considered. Student appeals are reviewed by Campus Safety and Security and Human Resources, while all other appeals are reviewed by Human Resources.
**The information provided on these pages is subject to change, although all attempts have been made to accurately reflect current policy.**
Between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm (generally), non-residential University buildings are open to students, parents, employees, guests and contractors. Access to residence halls is limited to residents of that hall 24 hours a day through a keycard lock system, and other students during approved and published intervisitation hours.
The University of Sioux Falls takes student, employee and guest safety seriously. To this end, the following policy and procedure has been developed in order to assist in locating students, employees, or guests of USF who, based upon the facts and circumstances known to USF, are determined to be missing. This policy is in compliance with Section 488 of the Higher Education Act of 2008. Missing-person reports often result from a person changing his/her routine without informing roommates, friends, or co-workers. Anyone who believes a person to be missing should report his or her concern to Campus Safety and Security. Every report will be investigated once a person has been missing for 24 hours. Depending on the circumstances presented to USF officials, parents, emergency contact, spouse, or family of the missing person will be notified. The Student Life Office will contact parents if necessary. At the beginning of each academic year, students will be asked to provide, on a voluntary basis, emergency contact information in the event he/she is reported missing while enrolled at USF. The student is responsible for updating this information as it changes.
Missing Persons Process
1. The University official receiving the report will collect and document the following information at the time of the report: • The name and relationship of the person making the request. • The date, time and location the missing person was last seen. • The general routine or habits of the suspected missing person (e.g. visiting friends who live off- campus, working a job away from campus) including any recent changes in behavior or demeanor. • The missing person’s cell phone number (if known by the reporter).
2. If the missing person is a student, the University official receiving the report will contact the Director of Campus Safety & Security in order to update them on the situation and to receive additional consultation. The Director of Campus Safety & Security will determine when the Director of Housing & Student Life needs to be contacted. The Director of Campus Safety & Security and the Director of Housing & Student Life will determine if/when the Management Team needs to be contacted.
3. Upon notification from any person that a student may be missing, USF may use any or all of the following resources to assist in locating the student. • Go to the student’s residence hall room or off-campus home. • Talk to the student’s residence assistant, roommate, and floor mates to see if anyone can confirm the missing student’s whereabouts and/ or confirm the date, time and location the student was last seen. • Secure the current student ID (from security) or other photo of the student from a friend. • Call and text the student’s cell phone and call any other numbers on record. • Send the student an e-mail. • Check all possible locations mentioned by the parties above including, but not limited to, library, residence hall lounges, student commons, fitness center, etc. The Campus Safety & Security Office and the Student Life Office may be asked to assist in order to expedite the search process. • Contact or call any other on-campus or off-campus friends or contacts that are made known. This could include checking the student’s social network. • Determine the student’s car make, model and license plate number. A member of the Campus Safety & Security Office will also check the USF parking lots for the presence of the student’s vehicle.
4. The USF Information Technology staff may be asked to obtain network usage information in order to determine the last log in and/ or access of the USF network.
5. Once all the information is collected and documented and the Director of Campus Safety & Security (or designee) is consulted, USF staff may contact the local police to report the information. If in the course of gathering information as described above, foul play is evident or strongly indicated, the police will be contacted immediately. If it is necessary to contact the local or state authorities, police procedure and protocol will be followed by the University.
Emergency Alert Signup
At the University of Sioux Falls, our priority is the safety and security of our students, faculty, staff and community. The Emergency Notification System keeps you informed of official closures, and any emergencies that may arise.
Click here to make changes and manage your alert subscriptions.
Snow Removal Plan
In the event the University needs to plow the USF parking lots due to snowfall, an e-mail/text message will be sent to all campus residents outlining the process. This information will include the approximate time the snow removal will begin and where vehicles must be moved while the lot is being plowed, and which lots will be plowed and when. Typically, snow removal of campus parking lots is a 2-3 day phased approach. USF-registered vehicles left in the areas needing to be plowed will be towed to a cleared USF lot on campus and will be charged a fee. Vehicles that are not registered with USF Campus Safety & Security will be impounded at an off-campus location at the owner’s expense. The current snow removal plan and parking designations for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 plowing schedule can be found below.
Snow Removal Map
Campus Mailing Address: 1101 West 22nd Street Sioux Falls, SD 57105
The following represent physical (911) addresses for use in case of emergency. These will provide the most specific information to first responders and expedite the process of receiving assistance.
Athletic Complex (South Campus) - 6200 S Cliff AveBurgess Hall (East Side) - 1613 S Prairie AveCleveland Center - 1010 W 26th StGlidden Hall - 1105 W 22nd StGrand Island Hall - 1117 W 22nd StJeschke Fine Arts Center - 1517 S Prairie AveJorden Hall - 1420 S Menlo AveKroske Hall - 1601 S Prairie AveMary Collier Baker Hall - 1621 S Prairie AveMcDonald Center - 1514 S Menlo AveMears Library - 1001 W 22nd St North Residence Hall - 1405 S Summit AvePierce Hall - 1512 S Menlo AveSalsbury Science Center - 1505 S Summit AveSalsbury Student Union - 1516 S Menlo AveStewart Center - 1120 W 26th StSullivan Hall - 1604 S Menlo Ave
The fire department telephone number (911) is used to report an alarm any time the alarm system sounds. Don’t ignore fire alarms -- leave the building. Exit procedures are posted in the residence halls and must be followed during drills and actual emergencies. At the beginning of each semester, specific directions will be given for exiting the buildings and gathering in a specific location. Fire doors and fire escapes are to be used ONLY in case of fire or at the time of a fire drill.
The University of Sioux Falls strives to make our campus a safe and pleasant environment for students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends and guests.
If you are dealing with or are concerned with an issue that you aren’t comfortable bringing to a supervisor or University official, we invite you to call the Campus Conduct Hotline.
Call Toll Free: 866-943-5787
As a part of USF’s effort to promote a healthy learning and living environment that is safe and welcoming, we have contracted with the Campus Conduct Hotline. This hotline is designed to minimize any apprehension you may have and make it possible for you to report concerns about issues or behaviors that pose a risk to USF or its students, staff, or faculty.
Examples of what can be reported include, but not limited to:
The Campus Conduct Hotline © system is available for your use around the clock, seven days a week. Because the Hotline is operated by an independent organization, any calls made through this Hotline are completely confidential and anonymous. Using this new reporting service is easy. If you have a question or concern about a possible violation of our Code of Ethics, employment policies, or information involving a situation that could cause harm to others, simply dial toll-free to 866-943-5787.
Once you have dialed the toll-free number, here is how the reporting and follow-up processes work:
For further questions about the Campus Conduct Hotline please contact: USF Human Resources Office, Jorden Hall, Suite 205 605-331-6802 | Email:
The USF Safe Walk/Safe Ride Program is available to all students, by calling 605-321-6400 (24/7).
The program is generally used on campus and will accompany you to your destination on campus - to your residence hall room, vehicle or other campus destination. If a dangerous situation arises on or off campus, the Campus Safety and Security Office is available to assist you or contact someone who can look out for your safety.
On and off campus USF recommends the following:
The University Campus Safety & Security Department prepares an annual Campus Security report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. The full text of this report can be located on our website at The Clery Act is a Federal law, which requires colleges and universities to disclose certain timely and annual information about campus crime and security policies.