
Course Information

Algorithms & Objects in C++ (COM340 (UG15))

Term: Spring 2016 (UNDG)


Mon-Wed-Fri, 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM (2/3/2016 - 5/20/2016) Location: MAIN (Salsbury Science Center 301 - Classroom Lecture)


Programming techniques for creating efficient solutions to fundamental computer problems are developed using object classes. Concepts of data structures are extended to include reusable program modules containing both information and algorithmic methods. Algorithms explored include those for searching, sorting, string processing and graphing. Introduction to complexity and efficiency analysis. The course's dual emphasis is on the understanding of principal algorithmic problem-solving techniques and the application of these techniques using object-oriented programming. Prerequisites: COM202 and COM/MAT306. (3 s.h.)