
Course Information

Found Early Childhood/Kinderg (EDU230 (UG13))

Term: Spring 2015 (UNDG)


Michelle F. Hanson

FALL 2023 Office Hours

  • Start Date: 8/24/2022
  • End Date: 12/9/2022
  • Note: Please email me for individual appointment times for virtual or in person meetings!



Mon-Wed-Fri, 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM (2/4/2015 - 5/15/2015) Location: MAIN (Glidden Hall 212 - Classroom Lecture)


A critical review of research in child development and theories of learning in relation to early childhood programs. This course will involve fieldwork in a series of visits and observations to a variety of early childhood sites. A foundation will be laid for the understanding of Developmentally Appropriate Practice in early childhood programs.