
Course Information

Assessment & Evaluation in the Classroom (EDU304 (UG19))

Term: Fall 2019 (UNDG)


Jared J Berg
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Mon-Wed-Fri, 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM (8/27/2019 - 12/11/2019) Location: MAIN (Library CLAS - Classroom Lecture)


The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social and physical development of the learner. This class will examine the difference between assessment and evaluation and how to use assessment data to drive curriculum planning, instruction, evaluation, and the decision-making process in classrooms. Teacher candidates will have opportunities to gain knowledge about assessment (characteristics, uses, advantages and limitations of different types of assessments and grading schemes); select, use, and construct assessments related to objectives for diagnostic purposes; identify elements of measurement theory; and use, observe and construct a variety of formal and informal assessment measures to assess student development and growth. Students will learn the importance of self assessment, peer assessment and modifying instruction based on assessment data. The course is designed for elementary, seco