
Course Information

Secondary/K-12 Content Methods (EDU525 (GR17))

Term: Spring 2018 (GRAD)


Jonathan P. Neiderhiser

Office Hours

  • Weekly Days: Monday through Friday, 1:00-2:00 pm
    • MTWF office hours in Jeschke 130
    • Thursday office hours in Cooper's Cafe.


Tue, 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM (1/9/2018 - 2/27/2018) Location: MAIN (Fine Arts Center 128 - Classroom Lecture)


Students will receive specific methods relative to their content area in this course, which will prepare students to use and adapt effective instructional methods by introducing the major methods used by classroom teachers. Topics covered are curriculum materials, teaching methods, communication strategies, motivation and evaluation techniques. Students seeking certification in a K-12 area will be required to take the additional credit in order to meet methods requirements for both elementary and secondary instruction. (2-3 s.h.)