Complete Your Checklist

Each fall and spring semester we will ask you to verify your information and confirm that you are an active attending student.  We do that through the checklist application on MyUSF. 

The checklist is always available on the home page of MyUSF but before each fall and spring semester you will get a pop-up when you log in, asking you to review your checklist. 

When you are ready to complete the checklist requirements “launch” the application and select "view".

  1. The checklist will include several “tracks” for you to complete. 
    • Admissions track will require you to turn in an immunization form.  Click here to download the form.
    • Security track is where you request your Parking Pass and confirm your ID.
    • USF track is where you can opt in to Emergency Alerts.
  2. Select “view” to open and view the tracks.  You will see several required tracks, each with colors assigned.  The colors determine if the track is required (red), optional (blue), pending (yellow), or completed (green)
  3. On many of the tracks, you will just need to confirm the information and select “confirm” at the top of the page.
  4. Once all of the checks are green, you have completed the required applications. 

Click here for illustrated instructions.

Utilize the FSoE Group Page

If you are part of the M.Ed. Masters in Teaching Program, you will be invited to join the The Fredrikson School of Education Group .

What is the Fredrickson School of Education Group?

The Fredrikson School of Education Group contains a number of web pages within the MyUSF portal where undergraduate education majors and M.Ed. in Teaching students can find information associated with being prepared for an initial teaching certificate. The faculty and staff of the Fredrikson School of Education will post important information on these pages for students to view, understand, and retrieve. Pertinent information found on these pages include degree program requirements and deadlines, forms and handouts, praxis testing requirements, degree program policies, residency (student teaching) information, some employment and volunteer opportunities, links to resources, and more. Typically, these pages are updated in August and September annually. Please be sure to check this information frequently.

Log into MyUSF and click on "My Groups" on the left-hand navigation.  You should now be able to click on Fredrickson School of Education.  If you do not see Fredrikson School of Education, please contact 


Observe these USF Policies and Expectations

Δ  Use your USF email for all course and USF communications.  Please check your USF email daily!

  • Your USF email address will be your
  • Find help syncing your email to your phone on MyUSF or stop by the IT offices.

Δ  Observe Graduate Education and USF policies contained in the USF Graduate Education Handbook.

Δ  Represent yourself in an honest fashion by presenting original ideas and giving credit for the ideas of others.  Cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Know Your Online Course Expectations

USF requires that online courses have the same expectations and requirements as on-campus courses.  Online courses are instructor led and have scheduled readings, assignments, discussions and exams.  They are considered accelerated with accelerated timelines. Online students will be expected to:

Δ  Spend a minimum of 10 hours per week commitment on your coursework and activities.

Δ  Have a webcam.

Δ  Check your courses on MyUSF daily to keep current with assignments and requirements.

Δ  Participate in course activities.

Δ  Complete all assignments by the given due date.

Δ  Complete all coursework independently unless otherwise noted.

Δ  Hand in assignments and actively participate in group work.  Any time you fail to do so, it will be counted as an absence.

Δ  Abide by any additional guidelines set by the instructor (see course syllabus).

In order to be successful at online learning you will need to set and maintain a schedule which allows you to keep up with your coursework and assignments. It is vital to stay current with the concepts taught. If at any time you feel you do not understand what is being taught, please contact your instructor. You can meet through WebEx or by phone to make sure you do not fall behind.

Complete Your Student Surveys

Your feedback is important to us!


After most every course, the IDEA Student Survey is distributed to enrolled students so they can provide feedback in regards to the quality of the course.  This evaluation tool helps instructors and administrators assess the quality of the course, potential curriculum changes, and other aspects of teaching and learning that can be used to explore potential improvements.

  • Distributed via USF Email accounts. 
  • Faculty may give you class time to complete it.
  • Just fill it out and submit it online.


After completing (or nearly completing) the M.Ed. or Ed.S. full degree program, a completer survey will be sent to students to obtain feedback about his/her satisfaction with the degree program. For the M.Ed. in Teaching completers, CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) requires teacher preparation programs to survey completers annually for 3 years beyond completion. Most students can expect to receive emails from the Fredrikson School of Education in the spring (M.Ed. in Teaching Program completers), and summer (all other M.Ed. and Ed.S. program completers) requesting feedback. Again, this evaluation tool is used to assess the quality of the degree program, and is used to explore potential improvements. 


Online Registration (excludes the first term of classes)

Active students can register for classes online through MyUSF. The Registration Period usually opens for graduate students in November and April for upcoming terms. Watch your USF email for notification from the Fredrikson School of Education and Registrar for more specifically when to expect it to open, and directions on how to register using MyUSF. If your need to register for your first semester of courses or if you haven't taken a class for a semester, know you will need to email the Registrar's Office at  Be sure to include your course number, section letter, and course title.  Refer to your course plan and course information available on Registrar's web page for Course Offerings.

Do you need to review course schedules prior to registering?  If so, they are posted on the Registrar's web page titled, "Course Offerings". Change the filters to show "Grad", type the appropriate year and term. From there, click on the course number and it will expand to reveal more details.

Steps for Registration:

  1. Make sure you do not have a hold. If you have a hold on your account, you will have to contact Student Accounts to get it removed before you will be able to register. You can reach them easier through email at
  2. Make sure you also have a list of the courses and course numbers that you wish to register for. If you have the list handy, the registration process will go more smoothly.
  3. Log onto the MyUSF.
    1. The MyUSF link can be found on the bottom of the USF homepage ( ).
    2. Log-on by entering your username and password on the upper, right-hand corner (username example for John Smith, josmith).
  4. Once logged onto the MyUSF, locate the ribbon on the top of the page. The ribbon includes Home, Academics, Financial Aid, Campus Life, Student Accounts, etc.
  5. Click on the Academics tab.
  6. On the left-hand side of the page you will find a white box, click on Registration.
  7. Start at the top of the page to make sure that you have everything approved before registering.
    1. First, make sure you have chosen the appropriate term.
      1. SP 2024 for Spring 2024
    2. Second, make sure you have the appropriate program.

i. Graduate Program

    1. Once you've completed these steps, make sure it says "Registration is Open" in green letters.
  1. Once you have chosen the correct term and program you will then proceed to register.
    1. When you scroll down the main registration page, you will see two tabs for choosing your courses. *Make sure you add courses one at a time.
  1. The first tab is to add by course code. This tab will allow you to type the course number. When typing the number a drop-down box will appear. (Make sure you click on the course number as it drops down to make sure that the correct course is chosen) Once your courses are chosen, click add and your courses should appear below.
  2. The second tab will allow you to choose your course by course search. You can search for your course in this tab. You can search by begins with, ends with, exact match and contains. Once the correct course is chosen, click add and the course will appear below.
  1. When you are finished adding your courses, look over the courses listed and make sure that you are registered for everything that you chose. It could take some time for the system to process your registration so if your courses are not there right away just step away and check back a little later. If everything is listed correctly, you have completed the registration process!
  2. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact the Registrar's Office at


Next Up:  5. How to Be Successful

Graduate Education Handbook

Information Technology

The Information Technology office is located in Jorden Hall lower level

Office Phone:  605-331-6674


Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar is located in the lower level of Jorden Hall.

Office Phone: 605-331-6650


Transcripts, Graduation Information, Academic Calendar, Transfer Credits, Drop/Add/Withdrawals, Course Offerings & Catalog, Grade Information

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    Am I Ready for Online Learning? Required Handout - usfonlineamiready 2022.pdf Edit Am I Ready for Online Learning? Delete Am I Ready for Online Learning?
    How to Find Success in Online Classes at USF Required Handout - How to find success in online courses 2022.pdf Edit How to Find Success in Online Classes at USF Delete How to Find Success in Online Classes at USF
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While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.